Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service provided to obtain materials which are not available in UAHT Library. Materials necessary for study and research are borrowed or acquired from other libraries. The conditions of this service are set by the National Interlibrary Loan Code, 1993 (adopted by the American Library Association).Anyone connected with UAHT including local community and off-site distance education students may use ILL. Books can be borrowed and photocopies of non-circulating materials primarily periodical articles can be requested in accordance with copyright regulations. The following types of materials are not normally lent by UAHT Library:
- books that are currently in use by another library patron;
- reference books;
- rare or valuable materials such as manuscripts;
- whole issues of periodicals or newspapers (photocopies of articles are available);
- audio-visual materials;
- dissertations;
- and bulky or fragile items.
- Lending: Within the parameters of the above agreements, member libraries have options
concerning: choice of materials to be lent, period of the loan, renewal period, and
others. Loaning library limitations which may apply include, but are not limited to:
- Reference materials, audio-visual materials, and periodicals are not loaned.
- Loans through interlibrary loan are ordinarily for the same time period as regular circulation to patrons in the library (21 days) but the lending institution has the right to request a different loan term.
- Interlibrary loan requests will be limited if due dates overlap holidays or other school closing dates.
- Borrowing: University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana Library extends borrowing privileges
through interlibrary loan to patrons through the definitions of users established
under the Librarys Circulation Policy.
- Patron ILL responsibilities: Any fines or fees incurred through materials overdue, damaged or lost will be the responsibility of the patron. Patrons are also responsible for returning materials borrowed for them through ILL on or before the due date, or requesting renewal of materials prior to their due date. Patrons with overdue interlibrary materials may not make further interlibrary loan requests until such materials are returned and all fees are paid.
- Copyright Considerations: Patrons ordering materials through interlibrary loan are responsible for the use of these materials while in their possession. Violation of copyright of interlibrary materials is not the responsibility of UAHT Library.
- Fees for lost or damaged Interlibrary Loan materials: Patrons for whom materials have been borrowed through ILL are responsible for those materials while in their possession. Any fees or fines connected to ILL materials must be paid by the patron and will be assessed at UAHT prices as itemized above or at a higher fee as billed by the loaning institution.